12.5. Variable Matrix as a System of Linear Equations
Enter each matrix using brackets. Select open brackets by tapping the open parentheses key twice and select closed brackets by tapping the closed parentheses key twice. Separate data entries using a space and rows of elements using another set of brackets.
Write the given matrix as a system of linear equations.
Write the given matrix as a system of linear equations.
Calculator solutions
Note: tap ( or ) twice to use brackets [ or ]. Tap the x variable key twice to use the variable y and three times to use the variable z.
1) Enter the following: [[2 5][-5 -13]] [[x] [y]] = [[2] [20]]
Note: tap ( or ) twice to use brackets [ or ]. Tap the x variable key twice to use the variable y and three times to use the variable z.
1) Enter the following: [[2 5][-5 -13]] [[x] [y]] = [[2] [20]]
2) Enter the following: [[5 7 4][3 -1 3][6 7 5]] [[x] [y] [z]] = [[1] [1] [1]]