6.10. Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two or more non-zero numbers is the largest positive number that divides the given numbers evenly (without a remainder). To find the greatest common divisor, enter the expression as gcd(a,b) where a and b are the two given numbers.
Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the given numbers.
1) 12, 48
2) 135, 245
3) 120, 360
4) 25, 50, 120
5) 48, 64, 84
Calculator Solutions
Type "gcd" before each argument.
1) gcd(12, 48)
2) gcd(135, 245)
3) gcd(120, 360)
4) Find the gcd between 25 and 50. Then pair this gcd with 120. The gcd between 25, 50 and 120 is the second gcd.
gcd(25, 50). The gcd is 25.
gcd(25, 120). The gcd between 25, 50 and 120 is 5.
5) Find the gcd between 48 and 64. Then pair this gcd with 84. The gcd between 48, 64 and 84 is the second gcd.
gcd(48, 64). The gcd is 16.
gcd(16, 84). The gcd between 48, 64 and 84 is 4.
Note: To find the gcd of more than three given numbers, find the gcd of two numbers at a time. First, enter the first two numbers and then the last two. Then find the gcd of the gcd of the two sets.
i.e. gcd(a,b) = E
gcd(c,d) = F
gcd(E,F) = G Final Answer
Use the same steps to find a gcd of more than four numbers.
Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the given numbers.
1) 12, 48
2) 135, 245
3) 120, 360
4) 25, 50, 120
5) 48, 64, 84
Calculator Solutions
Type "gcd" before each argument.
1) gcd(12, 48)
2) gcd(135, 245)
3) gcd(120, 360)
4) Find the gcd between 25 and 50. Then pair this gcd with 120. The gcd between 25, 50 and 120 is the second gcd.
gcd(25, 50). The gcd is 25.
gcd(25, 120). The gcd between 25, 50 and 120 is 5.
5) Find the gcd between 48 and 64. Then pair this gcd with 84. The gcd between 48, 64 and 84 is the second gcd.
gcd(48, 64). The gcd is 16.
gcd(16, 84). The gcd between 48, 64 and 84 is 4.
Note: To find the gcd of more than three given numbers, find the gcd of two numbers at a time. First, enter the first two numbers and then the last two. Then find the gcd of the gcd of the two sets.
i.e. gcd(a,b) = E
gcd(c,d) = F
gcd(E,F) = G Final Answer
Use the same steps to find a gcd of more than four numbers.