6.2.4. Converting Fractions to Decimals
To convert fractions to decimals, simply divide the numerator by the denominator.
Convert each given fraction to decimal.
1) 3 / 5
2) 12 / 18
3) 3 35/90
4) 2 1/6
5) 5 / 20
1) Divide 3 by 5.
3 / 5 = 0.6
2) Divide 12 by 19.
12 / 18 = 0.666666666667
3) Write 3 before the decimal point. To obtain the decimal digits, divide 35 by 90.
3 35/90 = 3.88888888889
4) Write 2 before the decimal point. To obtain the decimal digits, divide 1 by 6.
2 1/6 = 2.1666666667
5) Divide 5 by 20.
5 / 20 = 0.25
Calculator Solutions
Key-in each given fraction. The calculator automatically displays the equivalent decimal form on the screen.
Tap the enter key to type another fraction. Recall that to enter a mixed number (a fraction containing a whole number and a simple fraction), we type it following this order: whole number, space bar, the numerator, fraction key, denominator.
The equivalent fraction of each of the five decimals is shown below.
Convert each given fraction to decimal.
1) 3 / 5
2) 12 / 18
3) 3 35/90
4) 2 1/6
5) 5 / 20
1) Divide 3 by 5.
3 / 5 = 0.6
2) Divide 12 by 19.
12 / 18 = 0.666666666667
3) Write 3 before the decimal point. To obtain the decimal digits, divide 35 by 90.
3 35/90 = 3.88888888889
4) Write 2 before the decimal point. To obtain the decimal digits, divide 1 by 6.
2 1/6 = 2.1666666667
5) Divide 5 by 20.
5 / 20 = 0.25
Calculator Solutions
Key-in each given fraction. The calculator automatically displays the equivalent decimal form on the screen.
Tap the enter key to type another fraction. Recall that to enter a mixed number (a fraction containing a whole number and a simple fraction), we type it following this order: whole number, space bar, the numerator, fraction key, denominator.
The equivalent fraction of each of the five decimals is shown below.